Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Cockroach

Cockroach and bed are two words that I never like to use in the same sentence but unfortunately to tell this story it has to happen. It all started the other night when Jessica, Jason, Lexa, Christine, and I were working on our project. I happened to glance over in the direction of my bed and to my surprise I saw a huge cockroach crawling on the wall. After a few screams, Christine grabbed one can of Off bug spray, threw the other can my way, Lexa moved the bed, and Jason got his shoe. We were all ready to conquer this monstrosity of an insect. As soon as the bed was moved we all went into action. I started spraying the cockroach, Christine started spraying Jason, and Jason smashed the cockroach with his shoe. We successfully killed the bug. On that note, we quit working on our project for the night hoping that there wouldn’t be any more buggies coming our way. Thanks to Christine, Jason didn’t have to worry about any bugs for about a month.

Good night don't let the bed bugs bite = )

Cristina Penzabene

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